Bedtime Routine Checklist for Little Dreamers!

Bedtime Routine Checklist for Little Dreamers!

Do you struggle with getting your little one to sleep each night? Are you worried that you are not creating positive sleep routines? Check out our bed time checklist! 

Do you struggle with getting your little one to sleep each night? Are you worried that you are not creating positive sleep routines? Check out our bed time checklist! 


This checklist is a guide to help you create a calming and consistent bedtime routine for your child. Remember, every child is different, so adjust the activities and timings to fit your little one's needs.


Prep for Wind-Down (1 hour before bedtime):



  • Screens Off: Turn off TVs, tablets, and phones to promote relaxation.
  • Bath Time (Optional): A warm bath can be a soothing way to signal bedtime.
  • Cozy PJs: Help your child put on comfy pajamas for bedtime.


Calming Activities (30 minutes before bedtime):



  • Dim the Lights: Lower the lights to create a calming atmosphere.
  • Story Time: Cuddle up and read a few peaceful bedtime stories.
  • Quiet Play: Engage in quiet activities like putting away toys or singing lullabies.


Bedtime Essentials:



  • Brush Teeth: Help your child brush their teeth to promote good oral hygiene.
  • Hugs & Kisses: Say goodnight and offer reassurance that you'll be back in the morning.
  • Nightlight (Optional): A soft nightlight can provide comfort for children who are afraid of the dark.


Create a Positive Sleep Environment



  • Keep the nursery calming: limit the clutter in the nursery and use soothing paint colors on the walls 
  • Create a Sleep-Conducive Environment: Ensure the bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet.
  • Use quality bedding: Organic bamboo bedding, like the options offered by The Bamboo Bed are soothing on sensitive skin, hypoallergenic, thermalregulating and antibacterial. Keeping baby comfortable with their bedding can encourage your baby to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. 


Bonus Tips:



  • Consistency is Key: Try to stick to the same routine most nights of the week.
  • Be Patient: It may take some time for your child to adjust to a new routine.


Remember: A positive and consistent bedtime routine will help your child wind down, fall asleep easier, and sleep soundly through the night. Sweet dreams!